Your Fractional Data Team

we become your “fractional data team”, at a fraction of the time, cost and effort it will take you to create and manage an internal team of data experts and disparate data cloud technologies

AgileData Business Analyst

Data Driven Leader

To enable your business to make data-driven decisions, you must build a data team. However, the estimated annual salary and data platform costs of 600k are beyond your budget.

Get access to the data team you need, at a fraction of the time and cost of other team and platform options.

AgileData Decision Maker

Data Driven Leader

To enable your business to make data-driven decisions, you must build a data team. However recruiting a data team, onboarding them and provisioning a data platform takes months.

Get access to a Fractional Data Team and on-demand SaaS Data Platform in Minutes not Months

Want to get started

You can be in production as soon as you have signed the subscription order form

From 600k to 60k

It will cost you at least 600k per year in data team salaries, data technology and cloud computing costs, we will deliver that as your Fractional Data Team for 60k per annum.

Our AgileData Network partners do the data work for you, we provide the data tooling and platform you need, we cover the cost of the cloud storage and compute, all for 60k a year!

And yes that does include both the effort to do the data work and the cost of the data cloud infrastructure.

The true cost of a data team

We have crafted a Google Sheet with the costs we have seen for running a data team based on customers we have worked with across the globe, feel free to clone it and update it with your estimated costs.



Simple and sassy

Sign a simple subscription order form, then login into your production data platform minutes later.

Then sit back and relax as we onboard your organisation, its data and deliver production ready Information Products as your Fractional Data Team.

Fractional Data Teams, the magical melding of a service that looks, feels and behaves like a product.


From Months to Minutes

It will take you months to find, recruit and hire a data team.  Then you will need to onboard them.  Then eventually they will be able to do the design and architecture work required before they can finally install and provide your cloud data platform.  It will take months.

Get your data team and platform up and running in minutes, not months.  All for a fixed monthly fee.

We handle all the data work, provide the on-demand SaaS Data Platform and manage the cloud infrastructure. Everything you need is delivered instantly, so you can start making data-driven decisions right away.

Delivered Locally, Supported Globally

Organisations data capabilities delivered by local partners they trust, supported globally by AgileData Network partners


Do more with less

We remove the need to build a large dedicated team of expensive data experts, by doing the data work for you

With AgileData

AgileData Team - No Data Engineers

Without AgileData

No Data Engineers

Collect Combine Consume

We reduce the complexity of collecting, combining and consuming data, in a simply magical low code way.

Collect | Combine | Consume

We reduce the complexity of collecting, combining and consuming data, in a simply magical low code way.

AgileData Platform

AgileData App - Notifications

Automate Everything

Our DataOps patterns are built into the AgileData platform, we strive to automate anything and everything that can be automated

Google Cloud Power

The AgileData Platform is built from scratch to leverage the global power of Google Cloud infrastructure

Out of the box

Remove the cost of crafting your own data platform, writing screeds of complex code and hiring a DataOps team to support your stakeholders

Modern Data Stack as a Service

We have done the hard work to engineer the AgileData Modern Data Stack, so you don't have to

With AgileData

AgileData Team - No Data Engineers

Without AgileData


Common Data Outcomes

the AgileData team and the AgileData Network members craft repeatable solutions to achieve common data outcomes, so you can solve your customers data problems faster and with less effort.

AgileData App

AgileData App - Catalog

No Code / Low Code

Simply magical low code app reduces the effort to deliver data work, while automating the data engineering rigour

Stop Waiting

Remove the need to wait for your team of data engineers to transform data

Hours Not Weeks

Deliver insights to your stakeholders in hours, not weeks or months

Ask a Quick Question

AgileData Chief Product Magician, Shane Gibson, shows how to quickly upload a csv file and start asking questions of that data.

Answer that Quick Data Question in a couple of heartbeats (well ok in a few minutes)

View more AgileData App videos

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Want to get started

You only commit to the first month, the first $5k, no ongoing or multi year commitment need

Contact Us

Email us on or fill out the form.  We will be in touch.